Monday, October 22, 2012

Kira and Jeffrey's Birthday!

Okay, so Kira asked me to post pictures I took from Jeffrey's birthday up on her blog. It will basically be the same post as my blog but with less words and more pictures because I am lazy. Haha. So if you want fun commentary go here. I have no idea if the hyperlink worked (I've never done it before).

So, here are some pictures.

Jeffrey putting on he's hat and how he wears it. He is such a little weirdo. I love him.

Jeffrey enjoying pizza for his birthday dinner.

The cake and cake singing with mom and dad over Skype.

Eating cake with his cousins.

Holy cow, look at those eyelashes!

Opening presents. With Kylie's help because he just threw them on the ground.

His favorite gift (big surprise). He played catch with Uncle Joseph.

And that is the end. But because there has been a shortage of Jeffrey pictures on Ki's blog here are a few extras just because. He's enjoying a few cookies.

Also, I forgot I had these on here and since they share birthdays, here are some pics from when we celebrated Kira's.

Jeffrey eating a Klondike bar.

Kira didn't have a cake so we improvised with the candles.

Yep! Candles in ice cream. Genius.

I think we are singing at this point.

I actually got half the candles still lit in this one. I was so proud. Oh, and Kira blowing out her candles. Yay!

That concludes this post about birthdays with a whole bunch of pictures. I hope you enjoyed.

P.S. I told Kira I would do her blog for her if she sent me pictures, so if you want a post more than once every six months, tell Kira to send me pictures.


  1. For your information. Okay, so for those of you who haven't tried the hyperlink, it does not work. And I don't know how nor do I feel like trying to fix it. And in all reality it is basically the exact same post. However, I do post pictures of Jeffrey fairly frequently on my blog, so for those of you who do not already read it the address is

  2. Glad to see some picture updates! Jeffrey has gotten so big since we last saw you guys. Happy Birthday! And send pictures to your sister! :)

  3. Kira, we didn't know you guys had a blog! I'm adding you to my list:)

    Looks like the family is doing great.

    ps: We should hang out sometime soon.
